Class AssessmentPlan.TermsAndConditions

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@MetaschemaAssembly(formalName="Assessment Plan Terms and Conditions", description="Used to define various terms and conditions under which an assessment, described by the plan, can be performed. Each child part defines a different type of term or condition.", name="terms-and-conditions", moduleClass=OscalApModule.class, valueConstraints=@ValueConstraints(allowedValues=@AllowedValues(level=ERROR,target="part[has-oscal-namespace(\'\')]/@name",values={@AllowedValue(value="rules-of-engagement",description="Defines the circumstances, conditions, degree, and manner in which the use of cyber-attack techniques or actions may be applied to the assessment."),@AllowedValue(value="disclosures",description="Any information the assessor should make known to the system owner or authorizing official. Has child \'item\' parts for each individual disclosure."),@AllowedValue(value="assessment-inclusions",description="Defines any assessment activities which the system owner or authorizing official wishes to ensure are performed as part of the assessment."),@AllowedValue(value="assessment-exclusions",description="Defines any assessment activities which the system owner or authorizing official explicitly prohibits from being performed as part of the assessment."),@AllowedValue(value="results-delivery",description="Defines conditions related to the delivery of the assessment results, such as when to deliver, how, and to whom."),@AllowedValue(value="assumptions",description="Defines any supposition made by the assessor. Has child \'item\' parts for each assumption."),@AllowedValue(value="methodology",description="An explanation of practices, procedures, and rules used in the course of the assessment.")}))) public static class AssessmentPlan.TermsAndConditions extends Object implements gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.model.IBoundObject
Used to define various terms and conditions under which an assessment, described by the plan, can be performed. Each child part defines a different type of term or condition.