Class BackMatter

All Implemented Interfaces:
gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.model.IBoundObject, IBackMatter

@MetaschemaAssembly(formalName="Back matter", description="A collection of resources that may be referenced from within the OSCAL document instance.", name="back-matter", moduleClass=OscalMetadataModule.class, remarks="Provides a collection of identified `resource` objects that can be referenced by a `link` with a `rel` value of \"reference\" and an `href` value that is a fragment \"#\" followed by a reference to a reference\'s `uuid`. Other specialized link \"rel\" values also use this pattern when indicated in that context of use.", modelConstraints=@AssemblyConstraints(index=@Index(level=ERROR,target="resource",name="index-back-matter-resource",keyFields=@KeyField(target="@uuid")))) public class BackMatter extends AbstractBackMatter implements gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.model.IBoundObject
A collection of resources that may be referenced from within the OSCAL document instance.