Class PortRange

All Implemented Interfaces:

@MetaschemaAssembly(formalName="Port Range", description="Where applicable this is the IPv4 port range on which the service operates.", name="port-range", moduleClass=OscalImplementationCommonModule.class, remarks="To be validated as a natural number (integer \\>= 1). A single port uses the same value for start and end. Use multiple \'port-range\' entries for non-contiguous ranges.", valueConstraints=@Expect(id="port-range-start-and-end-not-specified",level=WARNING,test="exists(@start) and exists(@end)",message="If a protocol is defined, it should include a start and end port range. To define a single port, the start and end should be the same value.") @Expect(id="port-range-start-specified-with-no-end",level=WARNING,test="exists(@start) and not(exists(@end))",message="A start port exists, but an end point does not. To define a single port, the start and end should be the same value.") @Expect(id="port-range-end-specified-with-no-start",level=WARNING,test="not(exists(@start)) and exists(@end)",message="An end point exists, but a start port does not. To define a single port, the start and end should be the same value.") @Expect(id="port-range-end-date-is-before-start-date",level=WARNING,test="@start <= @end",message="The port range specified has an end port that is less than the start port.")) public class PortRange extends Object implements gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.model.IBoundObject
Where applicable this is the IPv4 port range on which the service operates.