package gov.nist.secauto.oscal.lib.model;

import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.datatype.adapter.DateAdapter;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.datatype.markup.MarkupMultiline;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.datatype.markup.MarkupMultilineAdapter;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.datatype.object.Date;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.model.IBoundObject;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.model.IMetaschemaData;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.model.JsonGroupAsBehavior;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.model.constraint.IConstraint;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.util.ObjectUtils;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.databind.model.annotations.AllowedValue;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.databind.model.annotations.AllowedValues;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.databind.model.annotations.AssemblyConstraints;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.databind.model.annotations.BoundAssembly;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.databind.model.annotations.BoundField;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.databind.model.annotations.GroupAs;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.databind.model.annotations.IsUnique;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.databind.model.annotations.KeyField;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.databind.model.annotations.MetaschemaAssembly;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.databind.model.annotations.ValueConstraints;
import java.lang.Override;
import java.lang.String;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ReflectionToStringBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringStyle;

 * Contains the characteristics of the system, such as its name, purpose, and security impact level.
    formalName = "System Characteristics",
    description = "Contains the characteristics of the system, such as its name, purpose, and security impact level.",
    name = "system-characteristics",
    moduleClass = OscalSspModule.class,
    valueConstraints = @ValueConstraints(allowedValues = {@AllowedValues(level = IConstraint.Level.ERROR, target = "prop[has-oscal-namespace('')]/@name", values = {@AllowedValue(value = "identity-assurance-level", description = "A value of 1, 2, or 3 as defined by [SP 800-63-3]("), @AllowedValue(value = "authenticator-assurance-level", description = "A value of 1, 2, or 3 as defined by [SP 800-63-3]("), @AllowedValue(value = "federation-assurance-level", description = "A value of 1, 2, or 3 as defined by [SP 800-63-3](")}), @AllowedValues(level = IConstraint.Level.ERROR, target = "prop[@name=('identity-assurance-level','authenticator-assurance-level','federation-assurance-level')]/@value", values = {@AllowedValue(value = "1", description = "As defined by [SP 800-63-3]("), @AllowedValue(value = "2", description = "As defined by [SP 800-63-3]("), @AllowedValue(value = "3", description = "As defined by [SP 800-63-3](")}), @AllowedValues(level = IConstraint.Level.ERROR, target = "prop[has-oscal-namespace('')]/@name", values = {@AllowedValue(value = "cloud-deployment-model", description = "The associated value is one of: public-cloud, private-cloud, community-cloud, government-only-cloud, hybrid-cloud, or other."), @AllowedValue(value = "cloud-service-model", description = "The associated value is one of: saas, paas, iaas, or other.")}), @AllowedValues(level = IConstraint.Level.ERROR, target = "prop[has-oscal-namespace('') and @name='cloud-deployment-model']/@value", values = {@AllowedValue(value = "public-cloud", description = "The public cloud deployment model as defined by [The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing]("), @AllowedValue(value = "private-cloud", description = "The private cloud deployment model as defined by [The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing]("), @AllowedValue(value = "community-cloud", description = "The community cloud deployment model as defined by [The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing]("), @AllowedValue(value = "hybrid-cloud", description = "The hybrid cloud deployment model as defined by [The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing]("), @AllowedValue(value = "government-only-cloud", description = "A specific type of community-cloud for use only by government services."), @AllowedValue(value = "other", description = "Any other type of cloud deployment model that is exclusive to the other choices.")}, remarks = "The hybrid cloud deployment model, as defined by [The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing](, can be supported by selecting two or more of the existing deployment models."), @AllowedValues(level = IConstraint.Level.ERROR, target = "prop[has-oscal-namespace('') and @name='cloud-service-model']/@value", values = {@AllowedValue(value = "saas", description = "Software as a service (SaaS) cloud service model as defined by [The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing]("), @AllowedValue(value = "paas", description = "Platform as a service (PaaS) cloud service model as defined by [The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing]("), @AllowedValue(value = "iaas", description = "Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) cloud service model as defined by [The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing]("), @AllowedValue(value = "other", description = "Any other type of cloud service model that is exclusive to the other choices.")}), @AllowedValues(level = IConstraint.Level.ERROR, target = "responsible-party/@role-id", allowOthers = true, values = {@AllowedValue(value = "authorizing-official", description = "The authorizing official for this system."), @AllowedValue(value = "authorizing-official-poc", description = "The authorizing official's designated point of contact (POC) for this system."), @AllowedValue(value = "system-owner", description = "The executive ultimately accountable for the system."), @AllowedValue(value = "system-poc-management", description = "The primary management-level point of contact (POC) for the system."), @AllowedValue(value = "system-poc-technical", description = "The primary technical point of contact (POC) for the system."), @AllowedValue(value = "system-poc-other", description = "Other point of contact (POC) for the system that is not the management or technical POC."), @AllowedValue(value = "information-system-security-officer", description = "The primary role responsible for ensuring the organization operates the system securely."), @AllowedValue(value = "privacy-poc", description = "The point of contact (POC) responsible for identifying privacy information within the system, and ensuring its protection if present.")})}),
    modelConstraints = @AssemblyConstraints(unique = @IsUnique(id = "unique-ssp-system-characteristics-responsible-party", level = IConstraint.Level.ERROR, target = "responsible-party", keyFields = @KeyField(target = "@role-id"), remarks = "Since `responsible-party` associates multiple `party-uuid` entries with a single `role-id`, each role-id must be referenced only once."))
public class SystemCharacteristics implements IBoundObject {
  private final IMetaschemaData __metaschemaData;

      formalName = "System Identification",
      description = "A [human-oriented](, [globally unique]( identifier with [cross-instance]( scope that can be used to reference this system identification property elsewhere in [this or other OSCAL instances]( When referencing an externally defined `system identification`, the `system identification` must be used in the context of the external / imported OSCAL instance (e.g., uri-reference). This string should be assigned [per-subject](, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same system across revisions of the document.",
      useName = "system-id",
      minOccurs = 1,
      maxOccurs = -1,
      groupAs = @GroupAs(name = "system-ids", inJson = JsonGroupAsBehavior.LIST)
  private List<SystemId> _systemIds;

      formalName = "System Name - Full",
      description = "The full name of the system.",
      useName = "system-name",
      minOccurs = 1
  private String _systemName;

      formalName = "System Name - Short",
      description = "A short name for the system, such as an acronym, that is suitable for display in a data table or summary list.",
      useName = "system-name-short",
      remarks = "Since `system-name-short` is optional, if the `system-name-short` is not provided, the `system-name` can be used as a substitute."
  private String _systemNameShort;

      formalName = "System Description",
      description = "A summary of the system.",
      useName = "description",
      minOccurs = 1,
      typeAdapter = MarkupMultilineAdapter.class
  private MarkupMultiline _description;

      formalName = "Property",
      description = "An attribute, characteristic, or quality of the containing object expressed as a namespace qualified name/value pair.",
      useName = "prop",
      maxOccurs = -1,
      groupAs = @GroupAs(name = "props", inJson = JsonGroupAsBehavior.LIST)
  private List<Property> _props;

      formalName = "Link",
      description = "A reference to a local or remote resource, that has a specific relation to the containing object.",
      useName = "link",
      maxOccurs = -1,
      groupAs = @GroupAs(name = "links", inJson = JsonGroupAsBehavior.LIST)
  private List<Link> _links;

      formalName = "System Authorization Date",
      description = "The date the system received its authorization.",
      useName = "date-authorized",
      typeAdapter = DateAdapter.class
  private Date _dateAuthorized;

      formalName = "Security Sensitivity Level",
      description = "The overall information system sensitivity categorization, such as defined by [FIPS-199](",
      useName = "security-sensitivity-level",
      remarks = "Often, organizations require the security sensitivity level to correspond with the highest confidentiality, integrity, or availability level identified by `security-impact-level`."
  private String _securitySensitivityLevel;

      formalName = "System Information",
      description = "Contains details about all information types that are stored, processed, or transmitted by the system, such as privacy information, and those defined in [NIST SP 800-60](",
      useName = "system-information",
      minOccurs = 1
  private SystemInformation _systemInformation;

      formalName = "Security Impact Level",
      description = "The overall level of expected impact resulting from unauthorized disclosure, modification, or loss of access to information.",
      useName = "security-impact-level"
  private SecurityImpactLevel _securityImpactLevel;

      formalName = "Status",
      description = "Describes the operational status of the system.",
      useName = "status",
      minOccurs = 1
  private Status _status;

      formalName = "Authorization Boundary",
      description = "A description of this system's authorization boundary, optionally supplemented by diagrams that illustrate the authorization boundary.",
      useName = "authorization-boundary",
      minOccurs = 1
  private AuthorizationBoundary _authorizationBoundary;

      formalName = "Network Architecture",
      description = "A description of the system's network architecture, optionally supplemented by diagrams that illustrate the network architecture.",
      useName = "network-architecture"
  private NetworkArchitecture _networkArchitecture;

      formalName = "Data Flow",
      description = "A description of the logical flow of information within the system and across its boundaries, optionally supplemented by diagrams that illustrate these flows.",
      useName = "data-flow"
  private DataFlow _dataFlow;

      formalName = "Responsible Party",
      description = "A reference to a set of persons and/or organizations that have responsibility for performing the referenced role in the context of the containing object.",
      useName = "responsible-party",
      maxOccurs = -1,
      groupAs = @GroupAs(name = "responsible-parties", inJson = JsonGroupAsBehavior.LIST)
  private List<ResponsibleParty> _responsibleParties;

      formalName = "Remarks",
      description = "Additional commentary about the containing object.",
      useName = "remarks",
      typeAdapter = MarkupMultilineAdapter.class
  private MarkupMultiline _remarks;

  public SystemCharacteristics() {

  public SystemCharacteristics(IMetaschemaData data) {
    this.__metaschemaData = data;

  public IMetaschemaData getMetaschemaData() {
    return __metaschemaData;

  public List<SystemId> getSystemIds() {
    return _systemIds;

  public void setSystemIds(List<SystemId> value) {
    _systemIds = value;

   * Add a new {@link SystemId} item to the underlying collection.
   * @param item the item to add
   * @return {@code true}
  public boolean addSystemId(SystemId item) {
    SystemId value = ObjectUtils.requireNonNull(item,"item cannot be null");
    if (_systemIds == null) {
      _systemIds = new LinkedList<>();
    return _systemIds.add(value);

   * Remove the first matching {@link SystemId} item from the underlying collection.
   * @param item the item to remove
   * @return {@code true} if the item was removed or {@code false} otherwise
  public boolean removeSystemId(SystemId item) {
    SystemId value = ObjectUtils.requireNonNull(item,"item cannot be null");
    return _systemIds != null && _systemIds.remove(value);

  public String getSystemName() {
    return _systemName;

  public void setSystemName(String value) {
    _systemName = value;

  public String getSystemNameShort() {
    return _systemNameShort;

  public void setSystemNameShort(String value) {
    _systemNameShort = value;

  public MarkupMultiline getDescription() {
    return _description;

  public void setDescription(MarkupMultiline value) {
    _description = value;

  public List<Property> getProps() {
    return _props;

  public void setProps(List<Property> value) {
    _props = value;

   * Add a new {@link Property} item to the underlying collection.
   * @param item the item to add
   * @return {@code true}
  public boolean addProp(Property item) {
    Property value = ObjectUtils.requireNonNull(item,"item cannot be null");
    if (_props == null) {
      _props = new LinkedList<>();
    return _props.add(value);

   * Remove the first matching {@link Property} item from the underlying collection.
   * @param item the item to remove
   * @return {@code true} if the item was removed or {@code false} otherwise
  public boolean removeProp(Property item) {
    Property value = ObjectUtils.requireNonNull(item,"item cannot be null");
    return _props != null && _props.remove(value);

  public List<Link> getLinks() {
    return _links;

  public void setLinks(List<Link> value) {
    _links = value;

   * Add a new {@link Link} item to the underlying collection.
   * @param item the item to add
   * @return {@code true}
  public boolean addLink(Link item) {
    Link value = ObjectUtils.requireNonNull(item,"item cannot be null");
    if (_links == null) {
      _links = new LinkedList<>();
    return _links.add(value);

   * Remove the first matching {@link Link} item from the underlying collection.
   * @param item the item to remove
   * @return {@code true} if the item was removed or {@code false} otherwise
  public boolean removeLink(Link item) {
    Link value = ObjectUtils.requireNonNull(item,"item cannot be null");
    return _links != null && _links.remove(value);

  public Date getDateAuthorized() {
    return _dateAuthorized;

  public void setDateAuthorized(Date value) {
    _dateAuthorized = value;

  public String getSecuritySensitivityLevel() {
    return _securitySensitivityLevel;

  public void setSecuritySensitivityLevel(String value) {
    _securitySensitivityLevel = value;

  public SystemInformation getSystemInformation() {
    return _systemInformation;

  public void setSystemInformation(SystemInformation value) {
    _systemInformation = value;

  public SecurityImpactLevel getSecurityImpactLevel() {
    return _securityImpactLevel;

  public void setSecurityImpactLevel(SecurityImpactLevel value) {
    _securityImpactLevel = value;

  public Status getStatus() {
    return _status;

  public void setStatus(Status value) {
    _status = value;

  public AuthorizationBoundary getAuthorizationBoundary() {
    return _authorizationBoundary;

  public void setAuthorizationBoundary(AuthorizationBoundary value) {
    _authorizationBoundary = value;

  public NetworkArchitecture getNetworkArchitecture() {
    return _networkArchitecture;

  public void setNetworkArchitecture(NetworkArchitecture value) {
    _networkArchitecture = value;

  public DataFlow getDataFlow() {
    return _dataFlow;

  public void setDataFlow(DataFlow value) {
    _dataFlow = value;

  public List<ResponsibleParty> getResponsibleParties() {
    return _responsibleParties;

  public void setResponsibleParties(List<ResponsibleParty> value) {
    _responsibleParties = value;

   * Add a new {@link ResponsibleParty} item to the underlying collection.
   * @param item the item to add
   * @return {@code true}
  public boolean addResponsibleParty(ResponsibleParty item) {
    ResponsibleParty value = ObjectUtils.requireNonNull(item,"item cannot be null");
    if (_responsibleParties == null) {
      _responsibleParties = new LinkedList<>();
    return _responsibleParties.add(value);

   * Remove the first matching {@link ResponsibleParty} item from the underlying collection.
   * @param item the item to remove
   * @return {@code true} if the item was removed or {@code false} otherwise
  public boolean removeResponsibleParty(ResponsibleParty item) {
    ResponsibleParty value = ObjectUtils.requireNonNull(item,"item cannot be null");
    return _responsibleParties != null && _responsibleParties.remove(value);

  public MarkupMultiline getRemarks() {
    return _remarks;

  public void setRemarks(MarkupMultiline value) {
    _remarks = value;

  public String toString() {
    return new ReflectionToStringBuilder(this, ToStringStyle.MULTI_LINE_STYLE).toString();