Class Profile

All Implemented Interfaces:
gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.model.IBoundObject, IOscalInstance

@MetaschemaAssembly(formalName="Profile", description="Each OSCAL profile is defined by a `profile` element.", name="profile", moduleClass=OscalProfileModule.class, rootName="profile", remarks="An OSCAL document that describes a tailoring of controls from one or more catalogs, with possible modification of multiple controls. It provides mechanisms by which controls may be selected (`import`), merged or (re)structured (`merge`), and amended (`modify`). OSCAL profiles may select subsets of controls, set parameter values for them in application, and even adjust the representation of controls as given in and by a catalog. They may also serve as sources for further modification in and by other profiles, that import them.") public class Profile extends AbstractOscalInstance implements gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.model.IBoundObject
Each OSCAL profile is defined by a profile element.